Twice a year Winners has a "Final Clearance". This is where they clear out all their clearance merchandise (ie. Kimberellie heaven). Yes. This is the stuff of dreams, folks.
Apparently (horribly) the US does not have a Winners (nor do they have a gold medal in hockey, but this a fashion blog, so anyway...;-). Winners is a clearance store. They clear out other store's stuff. So on all their price tags they have two prices, the first is what you would pay for the item at the regular store (Buffalo, Calvin Klein, whatever) the second is what it actually costs.
With all that in mind, here goes:
I bought 48 items in total (yes, I admit it, I went back). These 48 items cost me: $136.70. YES! WOWWOWEE. Crazy, hey?
If I had bought them at regular price from Winners I would have paid: $1,168.52. Had I bought the clothes at their regular retail store price I would have paid $2,307.00!!!
All in all I saved one thousand and thirty one dollars (or, if you go with the compare at price, $2,170.30).
Yes. It was shopping heaven.
At one point my stroller (yes, my wee baby was with me) got so heavy from hangers (what better place to put them?) that it was almost tipping over! Oh, dear, does that make me a bad mommy? ;-)
Even cooler, about my shopping extravaganza, is I didn't try anything on (again, I had a wee baby with me). He wasn't overally amused with the shopping until I distracted him with cheerios (remember this trick ladies). YET, everything fit!
Well, two pairs of pants are too small and shall be given to a friend. And one dress and one shirt I did not like and have already been given to a friend. Also, three sweaters and a pair of jeans I picked up specifically for my sister-in-law.
So yeah, that's about all I got. How about some pictures? (sorry for the moderate level of mayham, I don't know how else to do this without taking a ridiculous amount of time).

Oh, and that brings me to the best part of this post: not only did my husband not disapprove of me bringing an extravagant amount of clothes into our iddy biddy apartment, he was proud of my excellent deal finding skills. Yes, he's a keeper.
(oh, and also, two shirts, a sweater, and a belt I got for him, I would have gotten more for him but there wasn't much available for men).
This leads me to a question, I'm curious, what does your signifigant other/mother/friends/uncle Bill think of your fashion/shopping/addiction? My brother once told me how him and my mother had a discussion about how I was a shopaholic. To be fair, I'm also addicted to ice cream.
Oh, and here I am styling some of my good deals:

Okay. I gotta go to bed now.
Heart: Kimberellie