don't worry, I know I'm fantastic
I think maybe some of you got the wrong idea from my last post and went away thinking that I DON'T know I'm fantastic. Well, I'm here to tell you: perish the thought! Because it simply isn't true. I do know I'm fantastic.
And not only that, I'm pretty sure most people I know and love would agree. And not only that, even if they didn't agree, I truly would not care. Because here's a secret I don't like to tell a lot of people (and now I shall tell the world): I am positive that if anyone were to truly know me, they would truly like me. I know, crazy hey?
Well, at least uncommon, if I am to believe all the pop psychology articles I've read and teen dramas I've watched. It seems that usually the opposite is true of people: they are afraid that if anyone ever got to truly know them, they wouldn't like them. At least that's what people say, isn't it? Well, I gotta tell you, for me the opposite is true. If you truly knew me: you would adore me.
Now, I'm being somewhat silly here. I tend to write in a manner that is more of a persona than the real me, FIY-if you haven't already noticed (you didn't really think I wanted to take over the world: here, did you?).
But there is some truth to this. I really do think that anyone who dislikes me, does so, because he/she does not understand me. In fact, I would wager this is true about most people. It's misunderstanding and incomplete understanding of one another that causes us to fear, distrust, and just not like, one another.
Misunderstanding about ourselves, our place in the universe, and each other, fuels hatred, insecurity, and jealousies. So often in our relationships and the advice we give one another we are the blind leading the blind, so to speak. Anyone ever read the novel Speaker for the Dead?
Well, in the novel, the Speaker for the Dead, instead of delivering a eulogy when a person dies, retells that person's life truthfully with nothing left out. The point is this: the truth, if delivered wholly without reservation and bias, frees us, not only to have compassion for one another, but also to have compassion for ourselves. I tend to agree.
Because even though I know I'm not perfect. I do know I am loved. And it is that love that makes me confident.
There's a verse in the Bible that just about sums it up: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" The love of God, the love of my husband, the love of my son, the love of my family and friends, all these loves: make me the person that I am. If I were only allowed one sentence to define myself, this would be it: I am loved.
And so when people are not loving toward me, when people accuse, and tear down, and are rude and demeaning, I just remember: I am loved. So I know that whatever they are thinking, they must be wrong. They must not be understanding me, seeing me clearly, knowing me truly. Because if they were, they would see: I'm fantastic.
So I think what I was trying to get across yesterday, wasn't so much that some people don't think I'm fantastic, but that some people do. And more so then that, I wanted to tell you all that I think YOU ladies are fantastic. I love visiting all your blogs and sharing all this with you! It is so nice to share this love of clothing, getting dressed up, fashion, ourselves, with one another. And I can't say it doesn't please me that you also think I'm fantastic; because hey, you're right. ;-)
outfit details:
shorts, vintage thrifted BCBG: $1
cardi, joe fresh style: $14
shirt, joe fresh style: $12
shoes, thrifted: $12
bracelet, tiffany & co.: gift from husband
scarf, thrifted: $3
being fantastic: all a matter of perspective
shorts, vintage thrifted BCBG: $1
cardi, joe fresh style: $14
shirt, joe fresh style: $12
shoes, thrifted: $12
bracelet, tiffany & co.: gift from husband
scarf, thrifted: $3
being fantastic: all a matter of perspective
Heart: Kimberellie
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one” C.S. Lewis