Okay, so I'm going to complain here. I am going to complain about bras. Seriously, who invented these things? I mean, it's 30 degrees here (86 farhenheit); and the last thing I want is to wear one more layer of clothing. Because that's what it amounts to in the end: an extra layer. I envy men, walking around wearing only a t shirt. Nothing underneath just cool cotton and skin. Not only that, but if they are so inclined they can even take that off. The more I think about it, the more irritated I get.
It is so incredibly sexist. I mean, not that I would go about sans top; but sans bra? Yes please! I know theoretically, I could. I know there is no "law" against it. But uh, I just don't think I would feel right. You know, people would notice. And that's not the sort of noticing I'm interested in.
But, you know, what if we all did it? Right? Had an international braless day? But you know what? Then EVERYONE would pay attention. And that's not my point either. My point is: this is stupid. Bras are a stupid outdated invention and should be done away with like the corset. Right? Ah! I wish! I wish! Because I somewhat disagree with, well, ME.
You see, (how's that for a rhyming sequence?), I've been watching Sex and the City lately. And I have noticed that Carrie goes about sans undergarments quite often (I've never watched it before-shocking-and I am currently in the first season). And I think: yeah, how comfortable would that be? That said, what did I say? I said: "I noticed". And uh, yeah...again, not really the fashion statement or whatever I want to, uh, do?
I mean, modesty aside, wait a minute: modesty up front. Because why would it be immodest not to wear a bra? Who made that rule?
I'm not talking sheer blouse over top, but t shirt, regular blouse, dress, you know-clothed. Just think: there was once a time when going out sans girdle was considered risqué, as in: "Bob, I don't think she's wearing anything under her dress. I mean, that's her natural hip line." Que: audible gasp.
I guess don't have anything else to say. It's not like I'm going to go about sans undergarments any time soon. Because truthfully, I'm too modest for that. Or maybe modest isn't the word. Shy? Because what bugs me is this: I really don't think it would be immodest. I mean, would it? Is it any different than when it was imprudent to show your ankles/collar bone/hipbone?
Not that I am recommending we all go braless all the time. I mean, yes, there are some t shirts, dresses, body types, that do well with bras. I just think bras should be an option, that's all, like socks. Not a MUST. Or maybe all you ladies are going sans your knickers and other under accouterments all the time; and it's just me who is lingering in in the stone ages of lingerie?
What do you think? Is it: immodest? impractical? you do it? you wish you could? or maybe you think,we should all go back to wearing corsets?
I think it's just not fair is all. Yup. If this were the 60s I would burn mine.
outfit details:
dress, thrifted h&m: $8
shoes, thrifted vintage: $4
bracelet, thrifted: $1
sunnies, chanel: gift
bra, la senza: $30
Heart: Kimberellie
ps. another thing I hate about bras? They're all "formed" or pre-shaped (you know, the t shirt bra?) thus we all look like we have the exact same pair of breasts. I mean, what's the point of that? Some sort of secret conformity we must adhere to? And who says that THAT is the best shape anyway?
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths. ~Lois Wyse