When it comes to clothes I neither lend nor borrow. Clothes lent equal: sweaty palms and the sick taste of fear on one's tongue. Clothes borrowed equal: the pain and sorrow of separation when you must give them back.
Only today a friend of mine was going on a job interview for a position as a personal shopper (yes, my dream job, the ______). And besides being only RIDICULOUSLY jealous I was also aghast at what she had chosen to wear. It wasn't exactly what one would call "chic". It was a very nice outfit per se, but well, it was more suited to school teaching than personal shopping.
I just couldn't let her go out like that. So I lent her some clothes. And if I must say so myself, she looked pretty stylin' when she headed out the door.
But as I stood watching her go I was bereft.
Not because she was interviewing for my dream job, which would have been totally understandable, but because she was wearing my clothes. I had broken my no lending rule and I was full of remorse.
My husband was not especially sympathetic (and he is usually very sympathetic). I am pretty certain he thought I was overreacting. But I wasn't!! My clothes were out there. WITHOUT ME!
Okay: breath (just recalling this is making me anxious).
But it's all okay now (repeat: it's all okay now, it's all okay now, they're home now, it's all okay).
Now that the initial nausea, shaking, and cold chills have passed, I am wondering: how "normal" is this?
What do you think?
Will you lend or borrow? Am I extremely shallow and clothes obsessed (yes, yes I am)?
But really, come on ladies, I can't be the only one with a slightly exaggerated (ie. unhealthy) attachment to my clothes.
Here's a picture of me in my own clothes:

outfit details: tights Joe Fresh Style: $8, shoes Naturalizer: $30, sweater Winners: $12, skirt thrifted: $1 (I added the blue bow).
Heart: Kimberellie